Unique and restrained nuances of leather, cedar woodland mixed herbs with an unexpectedly astringent sensation to finish.
Sweet, restful sleep is the key to health. When we don't get enough, our immune system weakens, our thinking processes slow, and we generally just feel cranky. Thankfully, the natural world has a few chemical-free remedies to help us get the ZZZZZs we need. Valerian (Latin: Valeriana officinalis L.) falls squarely into this category.
A flowering grassland plant, Valerian has a long history of medicinal use. First identified as a sleep aid by ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, the plant was also favored by Roman Empire Physician Galen, who prescribed it as a remedy for insomnia. Recent medical studies appear to back what these early medical practitioners believed, by showing that Valerian may shorten the time it takes to fall asleep, thus helping the body achieve more restful slumber.
Ingredients: Valerian Root
Tea(s) From: France
Caffeine Content: None - Caffeine Free Herb