Rooibos is a herb that contains no caffeine. Those that consume Rooibos have claimed that it has a soothing effect on headaches, disturbed sleeping patterns and digestive problems.
The story of Rooibos starts around the turn of the century in South Africa’s beautiful Cedarberg region. It was the locals of the area who first discovered that the fine needle like leaves of the wild “Aspalathus Linearis” plant made a tasty aromatic tea. It was they who first harvested the plants, chopped them with axes and bruised them with hammers leaving them to ferment before drying in the sun. Rooibos is a herb that contains no caffeine. Those that consume Rooibos have claimed that it has a soothing effect on headaches, disturbed sleeping patterns and digestive problems.
Rooibos seeds are planted in February and March and tended for 18 months after which they are harvested. Cut Rooibos is bound and milled to a uniform length then bruised between rollers to trigger the fermentation process, which results in the characteristic flavor and sweet aroma.
So, quite an exotic African blend we have for you here. And how does it taste? In a word, amazing. Rich and full-bodied, the cup displays herbaceous undertones simmering beneath layers of roasted coffee and sweet notes of chocolate and caramel.
Caffeine Level: None
Ingredients: Rooibos